
Before i even start. I’ve always been good at reading people’s faces, expressions or emotions. In this case i felt like i didn’t even need to read her, but i felt it. I just found out i was pregnant. I’m a month along, and I’m truly so happy about it. I was at my friends moms house today, we talked about getting a bite to eat. Her mom offered me aloe Vera juice 🙄😂 which i read you aren’t suppose to drink. Anyways i told her mom i couldn’t and her mom proceeds to ask why blah blah.. she ends up getting out of me that I’m pregnant. Which i wasn’t planning on telling anyone until i was 3months along. This is my first time conceiving and have had a really hard time trying to as my friend knows that. She knew that’s all i ever wanted. And ever talked about wanting. She has two kids and just recently got her tubes cut. (Not tied, cut) so i don’t think it’s because she’s jealous but she didn’t seem happy for me at all. She walked away and changed her son. Her mom seemed more happy about it then her. Her mom was asking me questions and what names i had in mind and my friend just sat there on her phone. She also canceled on us getting food😒 it’s like her whole mood changed. Her mom then said she didn’t tell anyone when she was pregnant with my friend because in there culture (Spanish) they believe in the evil eye which i felt on my friends part.. And it kinda hurt me. Maybe I’m overreacting? But she knows I’ve been trying for sooo long and it finally happen for me, i just thought i would’ve got a different reaction from her because i know her and it seemed off to me. Idk.. am i overreacting? How should i handle this? I kinda wanna cry 😭 then I’m kinda confused and questioning if she’s even really my friend? Any advice? Anyone had this happen? Or am i overreacting lol?