Could I be pregnant? Literally so scared please help


So me and my boyfriend had sex on a day where I had a 11% chance of getting pregnant but I didn’t check until I noticed I was bleeding after we finished? So my period shows up around 25-28 days. I missed my period by about four days and then I got my period but I only bled for three days and today is my fourth day and I’ve completely stopped like nothing. On my first day of my period I cramped super hard almost passed out and got a little hot. I took two clear blue pregnancy tests the day before I got my period and they both came out negative. But I had them out of the box for almost a month but they were still wrapped up in that plastic they come in them I took another but it was defective and an off brand and didn’t give me an actual result. So I went 31 days without a period. Four days past due. I cramped for all four of those days though. I don’t understand could I be pregnant?