Need Advice Young Toddler


I am 7 weeks pregnant with my second child, my son is a year and a half old. i am a stay at home mom, and my son stays home with me all day until 5 when my husband gets home. i take him to every outing we go to on the weekends, every week shopping trip and story time at the library once a week. for the past few weeks my son has been aggressively clingy to me and throws a serious tantrum either when his dad gets him ready for bed tries to hold him or when any of our friends try to hold him or pick him up, sometimes just talk to him. Hes getting to the point where through out the day he is quite litterally stuck to my leg. He has been very whiny and been misbehaving to a bad amount. ive heard people say when you get pregnant your first baby will act like this, but i dont think to this extent is normal. any help or advice to calm this behavior.