Ways to cope with loss?

One of my dads band members, the lead vocalist, passed away the other day, and I was really close to him because he was in my dads band and I was pretty much friends with everyone in the band. I only knew him for about 2 years and I just found out that he was one of my really close friends uncle. Obviously I’m really hurt and upset over this, and somehow, I just still can’t wrap my head Around it. It feels unreal. I just can’t force myself to accept it and I’m still reslly sad. I don’t know how to explain it, but it just feels like a dream. I don’t know what to say or how to live on. I can’t cope with it, its just too hard. Any advice on this? I’ve only lost one person in my life before and that was my god father, so I’m not that experienced with losing people.

Here is a picture of him I thought I’d share. He was just so so happy.