Crazy MIL and Wedding Date


Ok so I am getting married this summer on a short timeline because of the military. My fiancé and I want to get married in June, however his mother (my future MIL) doesn’t want that and is quite honestly just refusing to try and be there at that time. She did say that she is available for us to get married in August though. (He made a promise to her that she would be at our wedding and she is taking advantage of it.) My problem with August is that now I have to be added to DEERS (Military system for spouses for those who don’t know), do other post marriage technicalities, move 3000 miles, settle into a new home (that’s if the military actually gives us a house right away), start school, and work on finding a job all within 14 days... this has been an ongoing battle and I feel like I should just give in and go with August and take all the added stress and be done dealing with this issue. So should I continue to fight for June or just give in to August?

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