Why is singing so much more embarrassing?


Why is messing up when you sing so much more embarrassing than messing up in an instrument? My neighbor is practicing his accordion right now and he is not very good 😂 (yet) but I totally give him props for practicing anyways and I’m sure he’ll be a pro in no time as he is very determined I can tell. But anyways. But why is it you can mess up left and right on an instrument and nobody cringes but when somebody’s voice cracks it’s kind of mortifying. (At the very least to the singer) I sing and I don’t think I could ever do it with the window open, I’m barely able to work up the nerve to do it full volume with the windows shut! My complex’s laundry room has the best acoustics and I’m dying to record in there but I just can’t 😳 but if I knew how to play the guitar I totally wouldn’t mind jamming out in there.

So I just started thinking, your voice is an instrument, why is it so much more vulnerable to perform with that instrument versus piano/guitar/accordion/ect?
