Should I get this fixed? (Pilonidal cyst)


I’ve had tailbone pain for the past 3-4 weeks, ranging from unnoticeable to uncomfortable to mildly painful, usually whenever I sit or lie down in a certain way. Whenever I go to the bathroom, I quickly swipe back there where I feel the pain (tailbone, near the top of where my butt cheeks meet) and normally notice some discharge, normally yellowish (pus?) but sometimes a bit of blood.

I’ve done a bit of research and the symptoms of a Pilonidal Cyst seem to match up pretty closely, and this case is also pretty common, so it makes sense. It can be treated fairly easily, but the process, like all medical processes, takes time to do and even more time to recover.

I, like I’m sure many of you can relate, am VERY busy, and don’t know if I have the time to recover from whatever surgery I’d need to get this fixed, however minor. As I mentioned before, the discomfort is there, but totally manageable. Plus, I’m just scared to go to a doctor I’ve never met (I don’t really have a consistent doctor), pull down my pants, and ask him/her to look between my butt cheeks. That just seems totally mortifying...

Is this a problem I should address? Will the cyst go away on it’s own? If any of you have had this before, do you know how long it takes to heal after the procedure, what healing really entails (does it hamper you, or is it totally easy to go on with your normal life), and how can I speed the process? Sorry for the novel, please comment and give me advice! Would love to hear from you guys!