Scared to sleep! Super long post sorry. But I’m terrified

Okay guys, before you like how are scared to sleep? What makes you scared to sleep? I will explain in this post! Just stick with me!

So for 3 months now my sleep has been crazy. I have had very vivid lucid dreams.. To the point where I wake up screaming, crying, or in a complete panic attack. I don’t know when this really started or how.. My first experience was pretty scary. I literally couldn’t move my body. My arm was stuck up in the air. Second one was my boyfriend cheating on me. Third was the same as my second one. Fifth one was crazy.

So the fifth one I was with my boyfriend . We just finished smoking weed and we were laying down in bed. I was having a panic attack. I told him I wanted to fly. So he chained me to his car and was going 200 mph in the car while I fly. I knew I was dreaming and I thought what if I fell and he dragged me like this without knowing. So after I thought that, it happened! Than all a sudden I was outside my body in my dream looking down. I was watching from above. He swerved into the other lane with traffic coming towards him.

He got hit and I literally heard the crash in my dreams and the swerving break noise you hear. Than his car was backing up really fast and it ran me over and he flipped. Right after I got ran over by his car. I felt my soul leaving my body IN REAL


I instantly woke up in panic. My boyfriend was still awake he asked if I was okay he asked “how did you wake up like that? You were dead asleep and now your wide awake.” I told him about my dream. He kissed all over me comfort me and I went back to sleep.

LAST NIGHT!!! I had a dream my sister came to visit me. My sister and I never really got along. She was raised rich with a golden spoon ! I was raised in the streets selling drugs and stealing to make a living! So that always got in the way. I was homeless from 17-21 years of age. I am currently still 21! I live with my boyfriend now. So I’m okay! Anyways, in my dreams I got my apartment MY VERY OWN FIRST APARTMENT! My sister came in and she was gonna go out with my boyfriends sister and her friend to meet “Justin Bieber’s girlfriend” we all knew personally . Apparently.

She had a bottle of Smirnoff vodka in the fridge. I picked it up and looked at it. I was thinking about drinking some but I didn’t I put it back. She came out the bedroom and asked me what I was doing and to leave her stuff alone. We started to act like we were fighting ! And than she said that she hated me and hated being in my apartment it was ugly and worthless. I feel down to the floor crying. I made this really weird noise. I don’t know if it was in my dream or in reality. But either was it woke me up. I was actually crying when I woke up. My face was soaked! And I remember hearing her say, “Am are you really crying? I’m so sorry.” I haven’t went back to sleep. I woke up at 7am &’ it is now 2am! I do NOT WANT TO SLEEP! I hate my dreams.

The are worse than these. Just some examples! Dude sorry this is really long.

I think I need to go see a brain doctor or something ! Or is this normal to have these dreams 3-5 times a week! I feel like I’m gonna die in my sleep one night . So I’m truly scared to sleep!