What would you have to say when your husband talks to you in a way you don’t necessary appreciate?

Hi! We are newly weds going on for about 6mos, and I just started Grad school 3mos ago and I’m not currently working so I can focus on school full time. My husband is the sole provider at the moment but I’ve noticed that he doesn’t see me as an equal bc I don’t provide financially at the moment. Yet I don’t appreciate some of the belittling comments he makes. When I worked we would split everything 50/50 of course this was before got married and once I begin working I plan on doing the same. But thinks bc I’m not working I should be doing all the house chores, grocery shopping, laundry, etc without him having to do a thing bc he’s providing! Now I do try to keep my household clean and I’m a clean person and already do 80% of the household chores. Even when I’m gone all-day I still come home and clean after his mess! I don’t complain but I do say from time to time to clean after himself specially when everything is already clean. Now I will say that he’s a loving husband and I do appreciate him for everything he does for us, but from time to time he tends to act like that and throw pity things to my face and really makes me feel alone. Just the other day he said that I’m spending his money even though we are married and I literally don’t go shopping or anything like that, I think he’s referring more about the car payments, gym membership or household bills. Have you been in a similar situation and how you handle it?