Help! When is my ovulation day?


I know everybody are different. I do know app can be not 100% accurate. <a href="">Glow app</a> said I am in middle of fertile week, Premom and Ovia app said I will start fertile week in couple of days. I miscarried on 14th Feb and had period where I restarted doing BBT. Can you see when I have started ovulation day or not yet?

I can see the drop on CD17 then climbing for three days. But I am not sure???

Much appreciate for any help.

Oh! First time I started bbt for one cycle in December I got pregnant so it worked! But then since I miscarried my app reset and lost my chart to help me! Argh!

Here is my chart

Edit: I found different app on android tablet which partner with my BBT sensor. And strangely this is much less all over place compare to <a href="">Glow app</a> on iPhone. Does this make more sense now or still all over place?