I just want to cry

so ladies being a mom to 2 kids is wonderful I cant say it enough but sometimes we need a break right? well im that momma right now. My husband works 2 jobs(sometimes) the second one is just a side job for when the lady needs him to do deliverys. Me and my husband have a 5 yr old and 1 month old.. My 1 month old has been diagnosed with sezuires they havent put a name on it yet since they havent happened again. My 5 yr old has autism. My 1 month old is on a drug that makes him sleep alot so hes asleep most of the day nothing i can do :( im up all night with my little one. I started asking my husband for help and hell start having excuses you wanted this baby do it yourself all the way down to grabbing his car keys and leaving. He started saying he hasnt slept in months and hes so tired mind you i get only 3 hours of it. He drinks everyday now because hes stressed. Today he made the bottle for me then laid back down and fell asleep i fed him and burped him and my baby is congested and has a cold so he stayed up crying I asked him for help im tired i would like sleep to :( he starts saying hes dizzy making up excuses im drained im dealing with post partum as well he jumps up grabs his keys and tries to leave. he starts recording me crying for help he then records the mess he made in the room yesterday saying look at this mess then says rhisbis all i need and your done. Im so fed up i stand up for myself and he tells me im a bad mom.