UPDATE! It's go time! My water broke!


I'm 38 weeks exactly, due May 5th, and my water broke this morning. At first I was really confused. I didn't have a big gush of fluid and I could barely even feel a trickle. I had gone to use the restroom and I was still going even after I didn't feel like I had to anymore. Every time I pushed on my baby, more fluid came out. Was it more pee? Did my water break?

Contractions didn't start on their own and I noticed that my little girl hadn't moved in quite a few hours which was highly unusual for her so I started freaking out.

I called labor and delivery, they said to come so I rushed down. Let me tell you, the relief that swept over me when I heard my little girl's heartbeat was unreal.

They confirmed that my water had in fact started leaking. Now I had a choice, do I start pitocin or do I try to let nature take its course? Of course I'm like "No, my body will start on it's own! Let's go for a walk!". So there I am literally waddling around my neighborhood for 2 hours!

And still nothing is happening. Except now I'm out of breath. So here I am, sitting in labor and delivery right now being induced! It shouldn't be too much longer before I get to meet my little girl!


Let me just start by saying.... O.M.F.G!

I feel the need to clarify... my water was leaking. Not broken. FTM here so I didn't really know the difference. I'll NEVER make that mistake again. Labor and delivery admitted me around midnight. I was given the pitocin and my contractions increased to 3-5 minutes apart. Still technically not "active" labor. My contractions were getting stronger, but I was handling it like a champ, thinking these are definitely painful, but nothing I couldn't handle. My husband, Mom, and Step Mom were all in the room with me. SLEEPING. Way more peacefully than I liked.

At 3:07am I am greeted with a loud pop and instantly I understand what it means to have your water actually break.

I'm immediately drenched and led into my first big contraction. That contraction doubled what the others felt like and made them look like a walk in the park. I'm now having contractions at what feels like EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. But I'm a FTM. There's no way. After 40 mins of this, I decided it was time to evict my mom and step mom. They were banished to the waiting room and left with no arguments. Immediately after they leave I tell my husband I feel like I'm going to get sick. Plus I had to pee. Then the next contractions hits.

I look at my hubby and tell him I regret not doing an epidural. Or any pain meds. He goes "it's not too late, we have hours. I'll go tell your nurse". Then the next contractions... OH DEAR GOD. I hit the call nurse button and I'm in tears asking for an epidural. My nurse comes in, I tell her I had to use the bathroom. I've been holding it for hours. I'm gone less than 5 mins and when I'm coming out my hero, the man with the drugs is here to give me my epidural. I go to get on the bed and I

feel like I have to go again. I tell my nurse and she goes "okay, let's check you first". They lay me back and she goes "oh shit no. Honey you're complete." I look at the man with my drugs as he walks out the door and says "good luck with your natural labor". And that's when it hit me. Sheer panic.

Natural labor? No. Drugs. You are walking away with the pain meds. The midwife rushes in and was so reassuring. "You can do this. Her head is here. You CAN do this." I looked at my husband still in shock and was like...

My husband is AMAZING. He grabs my hand and is immediately like "You will do this. WE want our daughter". 4-5 excruciating contractions later.... Our perfect little girl was here. Elliana Sophie made grand entrance on April 21st at 4:44am weighing in at 6lbs 8oz and 19inches. She was born in an hour and half.