my bf wants a break


So yesterday I drove to school and had my boyfriend (of 4 months) help me with some homework. After that we went to class, and my professor always let's us out early so I sit and wait for him to get out of class. I ended up waiting about 20 minutes. When he finally got let out we decided to get frozen custard and I noticed something wasn't right with him. So I asked him if he was okay and he said yes. But I knew he wasn't, so I asked again and he said no. I asked him what if was, and he told me "He's having trouble seeing a future with me." he also said "He feels like he can't love me as much as I love him." and I just didn't know what to say or do. He told me "he doesn't want to break up, but he wants to take a break." I just don't know where any of this came from. I'm upset and I'm just going to try to give him the space he needs because I really do love and care for this guy.. He's the only guy that has ever been so good to me. And I just felt a genuine connection with him. We just always have so much fun with each other.