What the heck is going on?

Erin • My rainbow baby✨🌈👶🏻 arrived 7-16-21 🥰❤️

So I’m 6 days late, and this past week I’ve had tender boobs, cramping, and I feel so bloated. The past couple days I have also experienced being very irritable at the littlest things and then if it’s not that I’m emotional and crying and I have NEVER been that way in my life. Is this just a case of PMS? I seriously never have rollercoaster emotions in general let alone pre PMS. My cycle has been coming on time for months now minus maybe a few days early or a few days late. Only this month I’m experiencing feeling so crappy, bloated, irritable and etc. has anyone else experienced that? Maybe I’m stressed out? But I don’t have a reason for being stressed out, everything has been going smoothly. Well minus being 6 days late.