whst is wrong with me 5 days late


Can someone please give me insite. I missed my period and, im freaking out.. AF has not come on yet.. i feel like any day but i hope not..... I dont feel like i normally do when it is ready to come on..... i dont know what to say or feel.

I Was supposed to be on 4.16.18.. nothing yet.. I always have had irregular periods all my life.. but they have always come like clockwork always

Last year July I missed my cycle altogether for the first time in 17years. Was the only time i ever missed it ever.... but the only thing that happen the month after was great.... my cycles changed from extremely irregular to every approx 28 days.. so i figure what better time to TTC.

What do i do????? Im freaking out and have taken 10 test or more everyday since i was 8DPO and even to this day and moment..... Nothing

I had one day where i had a positive test or what looked like a positive early on but nothing ever since.