Have I missed O? Please read x


Hi Ladies.

I took clomid CD2 -CD 7 and I’ve been away for a week CD10 - CD17 with no OPK’s.

Whilst I was away I experienced watery cm CD12, CD 13, CD14

I also had a sore, tender cervix CD10 - CD13.

and then creamy cm CD15 & CD16

It’s now CD17 and I’ve extremely nauseous, I have diarrhoea (sorry tmi) and bad, bad stomach pains I’ve needed to take paracetamol for.

My cm is watery again on CD17 and my cervix is the highest it has been all cycle.

I have taken a OPK with a 5hr hold at 5pm and it isn’t positive but it’s quite dark.

Would you say I have missed O or I’m still in with a chance?

Thanks for reading if you have made it this far x