Has anyone a similar story?!?

Lena • happily married Yogi, Blogger, Artist...misssfaith.com
Natural MC on 2nd May
First BD after bleeding stopped on 8th May
Since then regularly BD
1st AF after MC 5-11 Jun 
Positive OPK on 20 Jun 
22nd very faint positive pregnancy test 
Today als well very faint pregnancy test
Could my cycle be so messed up after the MC that I conceived shortly before the AF and still had one? After the positive OPK is almost impossible as it would be too early to show a faint line.
I go crazy as I have since 1.5 weeks heartburn mainly in the evenings but not one day without as well as slight cramps each day. 
Has anyone conceived so quickly after a MC and then still got an AF?
I don't want to turn into a weirdo although I have the feeling as if I already did. 
Has anyone a similar story with the outcome of a normal pregnancy?!?  Thanks a lot in advance!!!