Increased hubby’s sperm amount 😊


Just in case anyone is in the same situation, we’ve been ttc for 3 years. I’m 33, he’s 32. Neither of us smoke. We eat healthily and don’t drink to excess etc. Both exercise. He has a low sperm count due to an operation when he was young. He also has a very manual job and plays sports each week. I don’t always ovulate and am on thyroid meds. All my tubes are clear, had blood work... all that jazz. We tried Clomid for 6 months (one month break in between cycles). It really increased my ovulation TONS . My number was 158 one month! But I still didn’t get pregnant. So I got him Fertilsan M vitamin supplements. We have noticed the amount of sperm he ejaculates increase. No idea about the quality as we haven’t had tests and it’s only been 2 months taking it. We’re being referred for <a href="">IVF</a> but surely the amount increasing is a good sign! I will keep you posted if I get a BFP before we start <a href="">IVF</a>. So I believe it’s definitely having a positive effect!