Omg you guys

Stephanie • Mom of a 2yo & 5 angels.

My period was due today. I was kinda bleeding yesterday so I thought I was out for this month. Well when I didn’t have anything on my pad today I went and took a test! After 4 miscarriages I got a strong looking positive. Let’s hope this is a sticky bean!

UPDATE!!! My levels are looking good doctor said. They are at a 279. They want me back Friday to see if they are doubling. Everything is looking good so far. Now only if this vomiting would stop lol

Thank you guys for your kind words and comments. And best of luck to you ladies trying. Maybe pregnancy 6 will be my rainbow. My daughter needs a sibling lol


Doctor called and said my levels are now at 3534!!!!!

My step mom thinks I’m having twins

I think she’s crazy!!! 😂😂😂😂