Does My Baby Need Sunscreen??

I am white and my baby’s father is black. But I am like super white with red hair, so my skin is sensitive and I get sunburns just thinking about staying in the sun for a minute.

My mom babysits for us while we are at work and as the weather gets better she is taking her for walks and to play outside more. Neither her or my boyfriend have mentioned anything about sunscreen or have seemed concerned about it but I am.

I don’t know if they’re not concerned because maybe they know that she doesn’t need sunscreen because of her father, because he doesn’t need to wear sunscreen (to prevent burns, I know everyone should to protect their skins health) or maybe they know when babies need sunscreen and I don’t. Or maybe they’re forgetting sunscreen is needed!

Do babies need or not need sunscreen at a certain age? Or do certain skin types/tones make babies need or not need sunscreen?

I’m so lost and I feel embarrassed not knowing this, please help!!