Ladies, I am a lucky woman!!


I have been working hard all week. As one of the originals at my location, it's been up to me and a select few others to literally clean, paint, and organise our warehouse. This means working late, coming home exhausted, and in lots of pain because I can't take pain meds.

My hubby told me to relax this weekend. Because it's all the time off I've had lately.

He told me he was going to cook and take care of everything I usually tend to.

Yesterday I came home to a spotless house. This morning I woke up to cuddles.

And tonight he made an AMAZING steak dinner all by himself!!!!

He doesn't usually cook anything else but spaghetti. I'm the cook, so this has been a royal treat!!!

I have a good one and I'm beyond happy he's mine!!

I wanted to brag about him. He deserves the recognition.