I think my son will be here a little early


So my blood pressure was up during my non stress test on Thursday (exactly 36 weeks) and I got sent to labor and delivery. I had preeclampsia with my daughter so they were worried. I also have GD... and it's been controlled very well but my son was still measuring 7lbs at 34 weeks.... putting him in the 97%. Ugh. Pretty sure my body is just done being pregnant. They have me back to back steroid shots to help his lungs develop quicker incase I need to deliver earlier due to preeclampsia. I am having a repeat c section anyway... was told vbac was to risky with his size. I got a call today about protein in my urine as well. I'm pretty sure they will take him next week. I hope he's ready. I think I am besides being terrified of the pain again... but whatever is best for both of us.