Birth story!! Started natural ended csection


So it’s been 3 days since I had my handsome little man and let me tell you it was eventful.

My due date was 4/13 and there was no sign that he was coming that day so my doctor wanted to let me go till Monday then induce so I spent the weekend trying different ways to naturally start labor, Monday rolls around abc still nothing and I really don’t want to be induced yet so I call my doctor to see if we can wait 2 more days and for labor to start on its own he’s says he’s fine with that but we are inducing on Wednesday @ 7:30am. I keep trying to get labor started and nothing seems to be working, I meet with my doula on Tuesday and we go over the different ways they induce she lets me borrow her rebozo scarfs my mom and I try it out twice and it actually takes some pressure and weight on my back but it late so we go to sleep. At around 3-30is I started to feel sick to my stomach and like I had to poop but couldn’t tried 3 times finally got some relief that’s when I had a feeling that labor had started so I let my mom know and she ash how far apart and I think they were at 4 mins almost 3 at that point it almost 5:30 so she tells me to wait until 7:30 to go up since that’s when they wanted to see me. So I sit on my yoga ball until she gets up and then I eat a light breakfast and we head over. I let them know that I think I’m in labor they take me in to the room hook me up and say yep to me having contractions which were 3 mins at the point. My doctor gets there checks me and I’m already dilated a 3 he asked if I want my waters broken but I was in pain with his fingers up there so I say no not yet. He says he’ll give me an hour to decide which ends up being like 2 hrs I’m at 5 centimeters now so I tell him to go ahead things escalate from there I make it to a 6 but bc if my LO was angled I kept have really bad back labor and a pain on my left that wouldn’t go away when contractions did and was also effecting my leg so I decided to get the epidural. Everything was going good until they couldn’t get LO’s heart from dipping with each contraction even with different positions so I get prept for a csection to shorten an already long story he was born with his umbilical cord around his neck twice and I had an infection starting my doctor also told me that I wouldn’t have been able give birth to him naturally like I wanted even if his heart would have been fine bc he was stuck. Even though nothing went how I wanted it to I got to meet my healthy 71b 14.7oz little guy and he’s amazing. I was able to make it up 7 centimeters which is better than i thought I was going to do.