C-section help. is this normal?


I ended up having an emergency c section and i honestly did not research it much at all because i was so convinced i would be delivering vaginally.

Anyways, i have a few questions for anyone who’s been through this before/going through it now! I’m currently 3 days PP

1. My incision is bruising and burning pretty bad and it has places where it has been bleeding (not a lot, just pooling blood around the stitch)

2. My feet and legs are swollen to 3 times their normal size right now. Extremely swollen and i try to elevate them and drink fluids all day! They seem to go down a little after elevating them for 2-3 hours but i can’t lay down all day with a newborn!

3. I’m still taking my pain meds every 4 hours on the dot or i can feel that searing burning pain coming back around the incision.

4. GAS PAINS are the WORST I’ve ever felt in my life!!! I am unable to pass gas or have a bowel movement! I’m taking gas x and walking, drinking water, etc.

Are these all normal symptoms?? I just want reassurance that I’m healing normally.

Also, Will my stomach become flat again eventually or will it have a “pooch” leftover most people call it