To any or all who are ttc and feeling down about it!!!


Ok so I WASNT trying to conceive when I fell pregnant....just have to get that out there right off the bat haha

I apparently have had pcos my whole life. With my daughter, there was no problem getting pregnant (I think it was actually the timing though. I never really had a consistent period by that point).

With my son...I had been bleeding prior to finding out with him for 4 joke. A damn period every single day, never ending. I had multiple tests and such and none came back with a legit reason. (The hospital where I live sucks, I found out pcos can cause continuous bleeding as well). I was scheduled for surgery to fix my bleeding issue (and was hoping reproductive for down the road) when my continuous bleeding suddenly stopped. I was pregnant.

This time, since I was having such severe issues once again after my son was born, I went and saw a specialist. I have migraines as well so they can’t put me on estrogen or the combination pill. I had tried the Mirena and the arm bc and both of those I didn’t react well to. They put me on progesterone, but the mini pill did not work at all. (Meanwhile my hormones were continuing to get further and further out of wack).

My specialist suggested metformin. A very low dose, or to do a hysterectomy.

Seeing as I’m 31, I didnt want to cut my chances out yet for having another child. I told her I wanted to wait. she told me if I ever wanted to get pregnant that I would have to use opks, pregnancy tests, pre seed....I was just floored.

I picked up my metformin 500mg and started taking it the next day.

I’m a lean pcos-er. But even still I needed to excersize and eat healthy so that’s just what I did.

I did not know metformin was a...conceiving pill. (My nurse at the current hospital I have to go to told me that’s what it was.). Or that I even could conceive on such a low dose! But apparently, that’s all my body needed.

I’m now 6 weeks pregnant with my third. I felt defeated that I would spend years trying to conceive my final one! And even though this one isn’t expected, we are happy about it.

Apparently there is another force out there telling me when I can and cannot get pregnant 😂😂😂

And yes, after this child I AM getting a hysterectomy!!!

Hopefully though this helps people who are trying to conceive!!