9 week fussy baby ...


My 9 week old baby had her shots on Monday, it is now Saturday. Since her shots she has been extra fussy and not herself. She only wants to be held and walked. She gets upset if I set her down for any amount of time. She is also refusing to eat sometimes too which she has never done before. I’m at a loss. She’s never been THIS fussy, it’s totally unusual behavior. I read it’s a leap week possibly? I should mention she is on reflux medicine and ran out over last weekend, but is back on it now. She never was a puker and now she is throwing up after every feeding since Monday. Also i think she maybe congested? But it could also be from crying so much. Anyone else have issues after their 2 month shots? I’m a first time mom and have no idea what I’m doing. I can’t get anything done and it breaks my heart she is crying so much. If she isn’t better tomorrow, I’ll call the doctor. Anyone have advice?