
Okay, let me start by saying I do NOT have a child, nor have I ever attempted to get pregnant. Maybe someday... depending on what the comments on this post look like. 😂

I, however, need to get down to the bottom of this once and for all. I have 38-year-old sister who's a mom of three: 1 yr. old, 5 yr. old, and 7 yr. old. My 34-year-old brother is a dad of two: 4 yr. old and 6 yr. old with another currently in the oven. So, it's safe to say I've got this Auntie thing down. 👍🏻 It's also safe to say that my biggest form of birth control these days is seeing these children (who I love so dearly regardless) create pure exhaustion in the adult members of my family. Hell, sometimes I can't handle 20 minutes!! Needless to say, I am in no way, shape, or form mentally or emotionally ready for a child. Perhaps some day if God grants me that gift. Because it is a gift no less.

But I'll explain a little story, and you guys can share if you feel this way sometimes, too. I know postpartum depression can play a major role in certain situations, too, so I'm sure there's a lot to learn!

I once worked in a boutique, and, one of the girls brought her little boy in during her lunch break one day. Of course he was absolutely precious and we were all gawking over him and how sweet he was. But, homegirl (MOM) seemed straight up exhausted. Being that I developed a nice relationship with "Mom" during my time working with her, I felt comfortable asking her a question I've always pondered. Don't ask why I've never asked my siblings this question before. I just didn't. No logical explanation there. Anyway, I asked "Mom" if she ever wakes up and fantasizes about life without a child. Her response, without any hesitation, was "Every day of my life. I wish I were kidding, but, as much as I love him, I often wish things could be like they used to. It's really, really hard." Essentially, she was like

Her response was unexpected, being that everyone else around me on social media seems to try hard to convince people that having a baby and raising children is one refreshing walk in the park.

The only thing refreshing to me was this parent's honesty in response to my question, as sad as the answer was. I felt depressed just thinking about how much having a child alters one's life. This person wasn't experiencing any sort of PPD either. Not that PPD provides only those feelings, but you get my drift. I wouldn't know, so please don't attack me for my ignorance. :-)

So, parents... How did you feel/do you feel? Do you ever internally wish you had your old life back?