Junel fe


I was just recently switched from microgestin fe to junel fe. The pharmacy says they’re exactly the same thing but my body tends to be very sensitive to any changes so I’m always a little leery. I looked it up and the drug facts at least seem to be a match so I went with it without a call to my dr. Oddly, my hair has been naturally very thick and curly for most of my life until just about a week after the switch when suddenly it just started falling flat and nearly pin straight. I’ve switched shampoo and conditioner and gotten a haircut, but no help. I know sometimes in your lifetime your hair changes, but the timing and the sudden dramatic change made me wonder if it’s something hormonal related to the switch in meds. I was wondering if anyone else had issues with this particular pill (aside from the “normal” side effects of most pills) before I call my doc and sound like a crazy person! 😏