

I’m bloated and 6.5 months pregnant with number 2. Need to relax a little and would lovvveeee to hear any pregnancy, labor or “makin baby” stories!

Here’s mine!

I went to Walmart with my sister and her husband to get snacks for a movie night, well right before going I ate a couple of chimichangas, anyway... while at the store I felt as if I peed a little bit much but enough to catch my attention.. once back at the house I called my nurse and she said to go to the hospital... I go thinking I’m getting sent home... nope I’m staying, they break the rest of my water... fast forward to 8cm dilated and terrified that I’m going to shit myself because I ate like a pig before and hadn’t used the bathroom lol... My contractions are getting very painful.. the nurse comes in to check how I’m doing and shoves what feels like her entire body and then some, into my damn vagina during the most painful contraction yet and I yell “Get OUT of ME!!!”... poor woman probably thought I was talking about the baby... nope! I needed her out of me! It was so painful! lol anyway that’s what I thought was funny... let’s hear a better one from y’all!