May Baby became April Baby!


We were inducted Friday for preeclampsia starting at 6pm. I went in with a closed cervix. After two rounds of softening the cervix NY water broke on it's own, followed by my mucus plug. We got the epidural and pitocin once we were dilated to a 3. I woke up after being medicated for pain and to help me sleep at 9am. Dilated to a 9 and completely thinned. My interior lip was in the way of starting to push so we had to wait. We were ready to push at 10:26 & little guys arm was across his face and stuck right under my pelvic bone. After oxygen applied to me to keep baby steady and the guide of the vacuum, but at 11:33 Raiden Wayne was born at 37 weeks and 5 days, 7lbs 4.8oz and 21 inches long! He has been nursing like a champ! Thank you for all the advice and support this May 18 babies group has given me I wish all of you safe and beautiful deliveries!!!