Guess who’s 3 months old 😌 Me!

Renee • Wife 💍, mother to one sweet and sassy 6 year old 🩷, FT bonus mom to a preteen 🩷, TTC baby # 3 after 🌈💙

I am 3 months old today and I finally let my mom take a picture of me on my milestone blanket without crying! I even decided to give her a big smile, I guess being on the floor isn’t too bad after all.

These days I love to smile, laugh, fart, kick my legs really fast, and spit up!! My mommy washes a lot 😁 I’ve also started to talk though I don’t think they can understand me.

My Mom and Dad are so proud of the weight I’ve gained and they constantly put me on this cold white thing at home (scale) and then start clapping loudly 🙄. Then they keep insisting I do something called tummy time but I hate it and I usually just cry until they pick me up. They can be annoying but I love them.

I’ve been less of a fussy butt lately and I sleep for a long time and take long naps in the morning. Me and mommy usually snuggle up in bed till noon. I love it but probably not more than she does.

I must say, this babying thing isn’t half bad 😌