😂🤦🏻‍♀️ boy I’m gonna be in trouble

Christina • Baby #1 August 5th miss Sophie Briella German Shepherd mom!!

I have an attitude problem 😂 and I’ve had it since I was little but now I’m scared Sophie will be worse! So the other day we’re at my doctors appointment and may I remind you I forget my face is on the outside😂 after he listened to Sophie and got scared to death. We start talking about my 28 week appointment with that glucose test and after we’re done he turns to my husband and best friend and says is she always like this? 😂 my mood was fine until you started poking around and waking her up. How are you gonna get scared when she kicks the Doppler?😂😂 I couldn’t stop laughing I told him she doesn’t like to be messed with she just went back to sleep while we were in the waiting room 😂