

Please don’t judge me for we all have some issues that we deal with differently...

I’ve been married for 14 years and my husband is ser in his ways. He’s a good father and provider but a horrible husband. I get no attention, none of his time - he spends his time working, playing video games and hanging out with his friends. I am left to care for the kids and fend for myself.

Recently i lost a lot of weight and i started getting lots of attention. A guy from my job started flirting with me and I started to flirt back and then I realized I was catching feelings for him so I started to look for ways to distract myself. I ended up on Tinder 😞 where I met a guy (he’s a cop). I told him I only want to be friends but he kept flirting and flirting and well I fell for him 😏 he made it clear that he wants a no string attached relationship which I agreed to since I am married and he has a child mother with whom he lives home with. He claims they are not emotionally or sexually involved.

It’s been 3 months now. I have slept with him 3 times and have developed these intense feelings for him. I know he does not feel the same way and I need to get these feelings away from me.

How do I deal with this situation- how do I get out of this emotional bondage?

He’s nice to me and I want us to stay as friends but i just don’t know what to do.