Having a crush while in a relationship?

My boyfriend has never mentioned this co-worker but he briefly mentioned her today. Of course being my detective self, I could see something was off. And I got the truth out of him 👀. He told me that he’s attracted to her and he would fuck her if he was single. He said he would never act on his actions, and I believe him.

It’s just weird he never mentioned her to me before. He always tells me the gossip at work. They talk here and there about work drama and joke around w/ each other.

I just don’t know how to react. It bothers me, but I don’t know what he could to help me. This has made me feel even more insecure about myself.

He rarely used to complement me. We talked a while ago, and he told me it was because he didn’t wanna boost up my ego. He said he hates when guys hit on me and he doesn’t want me getting conceited.

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