Help please !!!


So a little back story I have been trying to get pregnant for about a year ... I went to the doctor last month and she told me to track my ovulation with the ovulation strips because I wasn’t previously so I did and it seemed I was ovulating a couple days earlier than I thought and with my boyfriend and I schedule we barely have sex ... fast forward to this past week ... I started taking pregnancy tests last week all negative (but I wasn’t using morning pee I would just take them whenever) so this morning I wake up and my period is officially a week late so I’m like what the heck let’s take one .. the below is what I got it showed up within the first minute ! I don’t want to get to excited I am so scared its a false positive because I was getting negatives last week BUT my period is also a little off so I may have been counting wrong ... anyways I am going to go buy a different test which do you recommend as being accurate and with your experience do you find the one pictured to be accurate ! Sorry I just want this so bad our son is almost 7 so its time ! Thanks for reading & your help