Potty training help!

Lauren • Just trying to survive each day with 2 little boys 😂

My son is 2 years/one month and has been using the potty when we are home after work pretty consistently for about 2 weeks now (wears a diaper still at daycare and at night). He asks to go and loves wearing undies. Some afternoons we make it without any accidents and sometimes he will have one or two small accidents where he will start going in his undies but finish in the potty.

So this week I am off from work and we want to take the plunge to full time undies. My question is, how many accidents is normal for the first few days of potty training? In the last 3 hours since we woke up he has peed twice in the potty (once without accident and once with a little wee in his undies first then he stopped and asked to go).

I know accidents are normal but I also don’t want to push him to take away diapers before he’s ready. Any veteran potty trainers with advice?!?! TIA 😁