Missing you is the hardest thing..

My so hasn't been home in 2 days no idea why (it's annoying but whatever) I'm by myself most of the time anyways ..... I miss my friend (Kyle) it hit like bricks when he reached out to me and we had a great conversation. I have personal issues going on (family) and I'm beyond busy taking care of my aunt and grandmother between their appointments I have to go tanning go get my nails and toes done pack everything that comes with vacation and my doctor's appointment and a wedding and hanging out with my cousin... I cherish my so but I really miss my friend **if you haven't read the other post I posted about the situation between me and kyle go read it you'll understand why** I feel like I'm drowning in everything I have to do I know it's all adult responsibilities it's just hard to do everything alone I feel alone in the marriage -or so I thought- I understand that my so works but he puts his work over us all the time just venting no need for negativity 🌈💝

The title for the other post is just a friend just a friend....ok and yes it's anonymous for anyone wondering**