Anyone else ?

Cassandra • Mama of four 🌸

Woke up feeling fine , got the feeling I had to pee and was thirsty . Had a cold water bottle went pee then felt the need to go poop . Well after that I started having period cramps , and they began to get intense and now I feel the need to poop again but like if my body is trying to cleanse out my system . With my daughter never had this happen because we got induced , trying to wait it out to make sure they aren’t the real deal but any other ladies had this before ? I’m almost 36 weeks and I started loosing my mucus plug a couple weeks ago too .

UPDATE : thanks guys ! Took a nap drank more water and seems like they mellowed out ! See my OB tomorrow for my 36 week check up and hopefully we have good news about dilation ! 😊