Very nervous

Melissa • My husband and I were blessed on November 19 2015 with our son Nolan! Currently pregnant with baby #2 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
I'm 18weeks and my doctor called me the other day to tell me one of my lab results for my second trimester screening come back abnormal so i need to go to the specialist for my anatomy scan ( which my my husband and I are going to tomorrow morning) my dr did not seem to concerned he said that they need to check to make sure the babies spine and stomach is growing properly.. And if they say it is then everything is fine and if not we will go from there. They have not seen anything abnormal on my ultrasounds thus far baby is growing fine and has been measuring exact to my due date every time, ( I've had 3 so far) even tho my dr doesn't seem concerned I can not help but worry. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this before? 
On a happy note my husband and I get to find out the sex of our baby tomorrow!! :) 
God willing everything is going to be fine!