Annoyed with people!


I am naturally very weight conscious (before pregnancy), I have to really watch what I eat and exercise to keep my weight down (at a comfortable uk size 14). So being pregnant and gaining weight was a worry to me!

I feel hideous and so large and it’s upsetting me, I feel unattractive and uncomfortable in myself.

I’m 23wks pregnant and feel unbelievably grateful I have a healthy baby girl growing inside me yet I feel guilty for feeling like this as I am aware some woman struggle to conceive and would give anything to be in my position, but I just can’t stop feeling this way 😭

I just started to feel good in myself, when an absolute stranger says-

“when are you due”... so I tell them.

“Ooooh, your very big!!! Are you sure you don’t have two in there?”

Another client-“your very very big aren’t you”

Am I being over sensitive? I don’t believe for a second these woman are deliberately trying to upset me yet I am so offended especially the way that they say it! 😪

Does anyone else feel like this?