Relapsed Bumpaholic 🤗😍

Maryjane • Happy wife 💍 | Poetry & Art lover ❤️ | TTC baby # 1 👣💓 with PCOS | I curse a lot but I’m a sweetheart 🤣

Ladiesssss, I have a serious love for baby bumps. They bring me some hope for myself & good vibes! I used to be just uncomfortable & awkward about it, being that it’s becoming very hard for me to conceive. But I had to put my jealousy & pain aside & understand that my time will come.. and being negative about it won’t solve anything or make me feel any better. I know with patience⏳, positive vibes, and dedication, it WILL come. So ladies, if you don’t mind.. DROP THOSE BEAUTIFUL BABY BUMPS 😍, your baby’s gender if you know it, & your due date. I need you all to rub some of that baby dust on me✨😌 And congratulations to every single one of you, praying for nothing but safe pregnancies & deliveries. You all deserve it ❤️🌍