Alyssa • Mama to b/g twins after IVF 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💉❄️ Infertility Warrior 💪🏼 HG Survivor 🤢 Incompetent Cervix 😪

Pardon my French, but holy shit balls. My husband and I have been TTC baby #1 for a little over a year. I have pcos and don’t ovulate on my own so this month I did femara on cycle days 3-7 and began doing OPK’s (off brand and clear blue digital) on cycle day 8. My lines were sooooo light, even the control and I was already starting to doubt that this would work (early stages, but y’all know how it goes). I took the cheapie brand this morning and it looked even more negative than yesterday’s and part of me wanted to say screw it, but then tonight I was like “I’m gonna do a clear blue because well, I have to pee and I’ve got sticks” and GUESS WHAT!... I got the flashing smiley.. it’s not a solid, but I’m an ecstatic!