2.5 hours of pushing + an episiotomy + 3rd degree tears

Miriam • 💙03/2018, 🌈 08/2018, 🌈 01/2019 💕12/2019, ?12/2021

So heres my birth story one month late. I was having irregular contractions since i was 37 weeks. At 39+2, we had a huge snowstorm that triggered closer and stronger contractions. Here are the notes i took:

945pm -call Dr.

10 - left to go to the hospital

1030 - checked, at 2 centimeters, told to walk around for two hours until 115

1245 -saw lots of blood clots, came back to get evaluated was at 3 cm got admitted

1am to 420am - walking around to progress labor

430 am - check stilI 3 cm, decided to get epidural

440- anesthesiologists came in

5am - epidural administered

Started feeling effects by 510

sign forms at 5:30

540 - Pitocin because contractions are sometimes two minutes apart Sometimes eight minutes apart

815 - water manually broken, 5 cm, 80% effaced, immediately start feeling strong pressure with every contraction

1030 am -7cm

1110am- 7cm 90% effaced, pitocin stopped bc babys heartrate kept dropping, pressure is almost unbearable and epidural feels like it stops working, using oxygen mask to help with pain

12pm- 9 cm

1210pm- 10 cm and begin pushing

At this point my sister left the room and no one else would take notes so this is from what I remember:

My contractions were 1-2 mins apart for 2 hours. I tried pushing with every one. By 2pm i was losing energy and my doctor was mentioning a csection since he was not handling labor well at this point. By 215pm i told her i was tired and couldnt push any longer so she suggested trying a vacuum, but the downside is that once he was out I couldn’t do immediate skin to skin. I agreed to try. I tried with the vacuum through 3 contractions, and at 2:32pm on March 22,2018 my baby boy was born, 8lbs 2ozs and 21” long💙

At some point in the middle of the vacuuming, i was given an episiotomy but i still had a 3rd degree tear and an still healing 1 month later.

I was being stitched up for an hour already when i asked to hold my baby boy, and the picture below is when we finally did skin to skin for the first time as they were finishing my stitches.

Here he is a few days after birth

And this is him 1 month later 💙

Love my Ezra and totally think it was all worth it💙💙