help! colic 😢...


so I have a baby girl of 11 weeks. And she has bad belly cramps a few times. at first it was really really so bad that I took her to the doctor with emergency. she kept crying all night. i noticed that it only occurs in the night. I gave her grape water (still giving her 1 tsp twice a day) and I've even changed the follow-up milk I was giving her (note: I stopped breastfeeding at 8 weeks due to my work schedules). she now drinks lactogen (first it was nutrilon).

I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried massaging her belly....which actually helps calming her for just a few minutes and I even bought a Difrax baby milk bottle which is especially made for baby's dealing with colic.

does anyone here has a method/ advice for dealing with this and has anyone dealt with the same problem?????? and when does it stop??

I really feel terribly sad seeing her in pain. I can't see her crying like that