Best Fathers Day gift!!

Our baby girl Amelia Francine joined us on her own..on her due date! I was scheduled to be induced Sunday night but started having contractions at home on Saturday around 5pm. At 11pm they were about 5 minutes apart so we went to L&D. They admitted me even though I was only dilated 2cm. The contractions were unbearable and in my well as terrible nerve pain shooting down my right leg.  Around 4am I was dilated 3cm and decided to get the epidural to help me relax. At 7am they broke my water and my contractions were about 2 minutes apart. They slowed down a bit so at 830am they started me on pitocin. Around 945am the nurse checked me and I was 7cm. Not even 10 minutes later I told her twice that I felt a lot of pressure down there like I needed to poop so she checked me again. I was 10cm and ready to push. They prepped me and the room and I started pushing at 10:16am. Baby girl was born at 10:30. I was 40 weeks and she is 5lb 14oz..19.25in. She is absolutely precious!!! I love that she showed up to bless her dad on Father's Day!