Am I being clingy and selfish?


Okay honestly I have a lot to say but I'll do my best to keep it as short as possible. Basically, the way my boyfriend has been acting lately makes me feel like I'm not that important to him. I have tons of reasons and examples as to why so I'll list the top five. I don't wanna bring this up with him and cause unnecessary issues if I'm wrong so I'd like to hear from you guys if I'm just being clingy and one-sided about the whole thing or if my feelings are pretty valid.

Quick background: we've been together for 3 and a half years. We've been long distance until about 2 months ago which is around the time I started to feel like this. He works out of state during the week so his only free time is on the weekend.

Okay here are the reasons/issues:

1. I feel like I put a lot more effort into showing interest in his hobbies, interests, passions, etc. than he does with mine. Example: He loves football and soccer and I really don't give a shit about them but whenever he brings up some player or a team or just something sports-related, I genuinely try to be interested by asking questions, trying to better understand whatever he's taking about, giving my opinion, etc. He does not do this whenever I talk about something that I'm interested in. He'll occasionally give a little input but he's usually just like oh that's crazy or oh cool baby and like that's it. He doesn't ask questions ever, he doesn't really try to keep the convo going. All of this to me tells me he doesn't really care.

2. He always seems to be making plans to see his friends while he's with me. Mainly what bothers me about this is that 1) he almost always does this when we're hanging out 2) he's always like, okay as soon as I drop my gf off or whenever she goes home, I can chill. So I feel like he's just waiting for the moment till I leave so he can finally see them instead of just enjoying the time with me.

3. We'll plan out a whole date or just time to see each other and then realizes that he completely forgot about some plans that he had made with his friends for the same time. He never cancels the plan with me but he acts like ugh..great I have to flake out on my friends and it makes me feel like it's my fault or I'm putting a damper on his original plans.

4. One time he said he'd never cancel plans with me to be with his friends which initially made me feel nice until he said that it was because he didn't want to make me mad. That part bothered me because I feel like he should keep plans with me because he WANTS to spend time with me, not because he feels obligated to, which is what he makes it seem whenever he has to cancel plans he completely forgot about. Also, I generally feel like it speaks poorly of someone's character if they don't keep their word on something they say. Flaky people just seem unreliable and like they can't be depended on so keeping his plans with someone (especially me, his girlfriend) should be important to him, right?

5. He's always on his phone. We'll be eating and we'll sit down at the table and like two seconds later, he's on FB or IG. We're cuddling in bed and again, he'll go on his phone. I mean he's on it all the time and it drives me crazy. I ask him all the time to put it away and he will for a while but it's not long till he's on it again. Sometimes I'm tempted to take his phone and just chuck it across the room into the wall.

Okay so given what I've said, what do you guys think? I want to talk to him about all of this but only if I have a genuine basis for my feelings.