This cheating bitch


Before I start, this story doesn't really have a point, it's just a story/ vent. If you like a bit of drama, I recomend

So I have this friend named Caleb and he's a few years older than me and he's an absolute angel. We don't really hang out much but we talk every now and then and just be there for each other. He is a really lonely guy, a lot of people label him a weird and a lot of people don't like him which I find very sad for obvious reasons. We've been friends for about three years now (just for context)

Anyway, getting to the point, this post is about his ex girlfriend who I can't stand. Her name is Peita and pretty much she cheated on him a bunch of times (one of which was with a very good friend of mine named Morgan). Caleb didn't leave her cause I guess he didn't have anyone else and didn't know any better.

So she eventually dumped caleb for morgan.

I know.

So I was really torn cause I wanted to be happy for Morgan even thought I really really hated her and I wanted to be there for caleb.

When shed started dating Morgan, she was still stringing along Caleb.

She was telling Caleb that she still loved him and she was going to leave Morgan to come back to him (what Caleb told me) and at the same time, she was telling Morgan that she was lying to caleb to keep him happy, when she was just getting deeper and deeper into the lie.

One day I was in a particularly bad mood and I said to Morgan something along the lines of "she cheated on caleb so many times, she cheated on him with you, what makes you think she won't do the same to you? What makes you think you're different??" And he just kind of smiled and shrugged, I know he knew I was right and I was just so angry.

So skip forward a year, caleb is still lonely but gotten over peita. I hadn't talked to Morgan in a while, so we organised to hang out and I asked how him and peita were going together and he told me she cheated on him a few times then dumped him. I said "look man, I know this sucks, trust me, and I'm sorry but I fucking told you so."

A few months ago we were hanging out and he mentioned how he still sees her and is still friends with her and it just made me soooo angry oml.

I was just like "WHY???? I don't understand, shes just such a shit person, why would you give her the time of day, why do you wast your breath with human garbage like that" I probably said some other very mean things as well but that's the gist.

He sort of defended her and I pointed it out and asked why again then we kind of just left it. He messaged me later and said he knows I love him and that's why I get upset that she treats him like shit and that i really opened his eyes and he would cut her off.

I was really proud of him.

I am glad to say she is no longer in either of my boys lives ❤️❤️