Tired of being told its NOT AN EMERGENCY



I really dont think people have been taking me seriously when I tell them that I have had my period for over 5 months. I only say that because I HAVE BEEN BLEEDING EVERYDAY FOR OVER 5 MONTHS! I am angry/disappointed for the fact that I can't get any medical professional to aid me in this problem. I have been told that it is not a "medical emergency". They give me the run around, even before when I didnt have a period, they told me I was "blessed". If am in pain, every single day because I have blood pouring out of my body, that is a medical emergency. If I have been bleeding for over 1 month straight, (which I have been doing for over 5), then that is a medical emergency. If I am losing enough blood to make me light headed and prevent me from leaving the restroom or even bed for that matter, that is a medical emergency. If i have multiple cysts, polyps or fibroids, that are pulsating constantly, then that is a medical emergency. If I continually have infections, which cause me to be sick, then that is a medical emergency. If I am laying in bed wide awake, in excruciating pain with cramps all night, then crashing the next morning from exhaustion, then that is a medical emergency. If I have had 3 miscarriages, back to back, then that is a medical emergency. If I am bleeding, bright red blood with clots that are bigger than a half dollar and I fill multiple pads in an hour, then that is a medical emergency. Yet, I sit here, still waiting for one doctor to help me, give me what I need (mind you, I have a little spare time to research what should be done for all of my symptoms) and all they do is run tests, ultra sounds and push for me to go on birth control. I was put on birthcontrol on several occasions, given prescription medications and none of them EVER worked. I don't need some one telling me that it is due to stress, or that my body is cleaning itself out. It's not. My body is trying to tell me something, but I can't do anything for it because "IT'S NOT A MEDICAL EMERGENCY". I am angry, at myself and my body. My husband and I want a baby so bad. We have been trying for 2 years now. Everytime I see announcement or diaper commercials, I cry. I am holding myself together with a needle and thread. I mean the baby crib we have had for over a year is not even open and just collecting dust. We talked about just selling it but neither us have the heart to do it. I cant even bring myself to pick up pregnancy tests anymore...