SEX and!

How do you spice sex up while pregnant? I’m 22 weeks and I have a pretty obvious bump now. My husband has expressed that it sex is kinda weird for him with the bump being so obvious now, at first I was a little offended by it until we actually tried to have sex and I realized it was weird for me too 😂 so I don’t blame him. It’s not like he’s not attracted to me or anything it’s just awkward and I agree now. Last time we tried it ended early because between him and the baby my bladder was struggling (TMI)🤦🏽‍♀️😂. We haven’t tried since so now I’ve been kinda feeling guilty again I want to have sex but I literally have noooo urge for it. It sucks because before I was always in the mood now I feel like it takes a lot for me to even think about it. I was going to just kinda make myself do it yesterday but I wanted to try to have some intimate foreplay before so I wanted to shower and do some massages before but he was ready to go before I could even pull out the tricks which turned me off and ended up turning him down. I had to explain to him that I feel like I need a little bit more foreplay and relaxing before just going for it because other wise it will hurt if I’m not 💦 enough. I’m cool with quickies but I feel like we need a balance of both.

Anyway I need some tips/advice. I don’t want our sex life to be ruined by pregnancy but I need help getting myself in the mood and new things to try together to spice things up. Also what are some safe lubes during pregnancy.