Contractions stalling at home!


38+5 second time mama here (first was naturally delivered at 40+4) this time around I’ve gotta hours of consistent contractions at night of course when I need to sleep and since my midwives and OB said to sleep through these early contractions to conserve energy I do and they die away after 6 hours! And now I’m up at 515 going to work as a full time Nurse to be in my feet but I feel like a zombie who just did an intense Ab workout! This also happened at 38 weeks. I feel now that I should instigate the labor to keep t going rather then sleep through it-but I’m not sure because with my first it was a 36 hour labor and they could barely get her out because of my fatigue! Thoughts ladies? Has this happened to you where you tell your SO “it might be go time” then you wake up still pregnant? Maybe it’s a second pregnancy thing? 🤷🏼‍♀️ words, thoughts and opinions appreciated fellow mama’s!